2. Ph.D Days 2023/24 - Università & Industria: un binomio vincente -VII Ed. - Licensing in – Licensing out (Proff. A. Terrasi, F. Caraci, Dott.ssa M. G. Mazzone)

Palazzo dell'Etna - via San Nullo, 5i
16:00 - 18:00
Il seminario dal titolo “Licensing in – Licensing out” sarà a cura del Prof. Antonio Terrasi nella prima parte e del Prof. Filippo Caraci, Delegati del Rettore al Trasferimento Tecnologico e relazione con le imprese- Università di Catania, nella seconda parte la dott.ssa Grazia Maria Mazzone, Executive Director, Business Development & Open Innovation SIFI S.p.A.

 Abstract (Parte I)
Technology Transfer (TT) represents the most important step of any applied research. It is the set of all the processes necessary to transform an idea, or basic research, into a real product. However, this path is complex and requires an approach that facilitates the subsequent, or contemporary, dialogue with companies and industries. For this reason, TT must be accompanied by KT (Knowledge Transfer), i.e. the ability to transfer the knowledge of researchers to the productive world. The approach and needs of the enterprises will also be presented and related to the academic ones. During the seminar, the concepts of TT and KT, as well as the necessary phases and actions, will be described and explained. Finally, the good practices towards a patent or a real application will be highlighted, with particular reference to the novel procedures available at TT office of the University of Catania to support young researchers/inventors.

Abstract (Parte II)

The talk will discuss key concepts around licencing intellectual propriety (IP) and allowing other parties to use it. Specifics that should be included in licencing contracts such as terms, payment structures, exclusivity provisions. Practical matters to reflect on before licencing IP like target industries, suitable partners, and restricting use. Some guidance on writing licencing agreements that clearly define the scope of use and obligations of both parties to minimize disputes. How to maintain effective communication and addressing issues that arise after agreements are signed.


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