4. Ph.D Days VIII Ed.-Placement for Ph.D – Ph.D. e BREVETTI (Proff. V. Di Cataldo e S. Sortino)

Palazzo dell’Etna, Aula Formazione - 1°piano, via San Nullo 5/ì– Catania.
16:00 - 18:00
Il seminario dal titolo “Ph.D. e Brevetti” sarà a cura del Prof. Vincenzo Di Cataldo e il Prof. Salvatore Sortino, Università degli Studi di Catania 
Publishing and/or patenting the results of scientific research represent the main goal for any scientist. Both processes require specific requisites and confer to the researcher duties and rights. What about the difference between publications and patents? Publishing or patenting is a true or false dilemma? Open Science and Intellectual Property Rights: might they live harmoniously? What about writing a scientific paper? What about the peer-review process? What about the ethical issues before and after publication of a scientific paper? What about the influence of the aphorism “publish or perish” in the quality of research? All these aspects will be discussed with the final aim of providing the audience with some useful guidelines on the topic.


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